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Blackstar What Word Did You Write Soul Eater

Out of all the Meisters inSoul Eater, Black Star by far is one of the strongest and most adored. Over the course of the series, the sickle-wielding loud-mouthed assassin definitely pulled his weight in the fight against the Kishin known as Asura.

And while he definitely deserves his fair share of praise for all of his valuable contributions to the DWMA, he's far from perfect, shown during those questionable moments where he just let us all down.

10 Awesome: Defeated Mifune

When Black Star first came across Mifune, it was clear that he was outmatched, although he did manage to knock Mifune down during their first encounter. Even after improving over the course of the series and adding the Enchanted Sword to his arsenal, he was still no match for the seasoned swordsman.

During their third and final match in the anime, Black Star struggled to defeat Mifune and suppress the darkness in his heart that threatened to consume him, but after sticking true to his own ideals, Black Star was finally able to put their rivalry to rest.

9 Let Fans Down: Tried To Steal Test Answers From Dr. Stein

While Black Star tried his hardest to study for the Ultra Paper Test, it wasn't long before he resorted to sneaking into Dr. Stein's office in order to steal the answers. As expected, he was promptly discovered by Stein before being beaten senseless to serve as an example to the rest of the class of what cheating would get them.

The fact that he even thought he'd be able to sneak into Dr. Stein's office undetected shows that there are already so many screws loose in his head that he wouldn't have passed the test even if he studied for an entire week straight.

8 Awesome: Captured Sid

While Maka, Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki were all good friends before the events of the series, the fourth episode made it very clear that they weren't used to working together on actual missions.

While Sid did give them a bit of trouble with his unconventional weapon (a tombstone) and fluid movements, Black Star's technique, Trap Star, was exactly what they needed to restrain Sid after Maka's Witch Hunter failed completely.

7 Let Fans Down: Fell Victim To Asura's Hallucinations

Black Star played a pivotal role in the fight to prevent Kishin Asura's resurrection, providing Kid with adequate backup against Free and Eruka, who were just as determined to see Kishin Asura roam the Earth once again. Just when Eruka began to feed Asura the black blood that they'd collected for him, Black Star pushed himself to his limit, slicing Eruka's syringe and preventing even a drop of black blood from reaching Asura. At least, that's what fans had been lead to believe.

After getting too overconfident in his own abilities, Black Star dropped his guard and finally fell victim to one of Asura's hallucinations, which he'd done a perfect job at negating up to that point. While he was under the impression that he cut the syringe filled with black blood, he actually succeeded in destroying the shrine that had been used to restrain the Kishin.

If only he wasn't so thickheaded, he would've learned by that point to not let his blind narcissism dull his sense as well as his technique.

6 Awesome: Held His Own Against Asura

When Asura was first revived, he flicked Black Star aside with just one attack, but their second encounter was a lot different than the first.

While he was ultimately defeated again by Asura, Black Star put up more of a fight, not only nailing Asura with his Black Star Big Wave technique, but he also managed to create clones of himself that, combined with his lightning-fast speed, were more than enough to confuse Asura and leave him open to a few good hits.

5 Let Fans Down: Soul Resonance Link Training

When Black Star, Kid, and Maka first attempted to learn Soul Resonance, Maka complained that Black Star couldn't keep his power in check, and was the main reason why all of their attempts failed. Even though this was most likely the case, Black Star refused to take responsibility for his part in their failure.

Instead, he took the opportunity to provoke Maka, calling her weak. Things even got physical between the two, and Black Star even acknowledged that he went a bit too far, forcing Tsubaki to step in and mediate on his behalf. While Black Star is known as unapologetic, fans couldn't believe that he would treat one of his best friends this way.

4 Awesome: Learned How To Properly Use The Enchanted Sword

Black Star learned how to use the Enchanted Sword in battle shortly after gaining it, but it took a huge physical toll on him.

While this isn't shown so much in the anime, he eventually learns how to use the weapon without any negative consequences as a result of gaining the approval of the Will of Nakatsukasa, the animal-like entity that serves as the embodiment of the clan that created the Enchanted Sword in the first place.

3 Let Fans Down: Lost Against Kid For The Second Time

After losing to Mifune during their second encounter, Black Star had something akin to an identity crisis, struggling to come to terms with such a devastating loss despite how much he had grown. He challenged Kid to a fight, refusing to use Tsubaki but instead choosing to fight using his own power.

Not only was it no contest at all for Kid, who stomped Black Star into the ground after insulting him, but Black Star should've known better than to go up against Kid without a weapon for the second time.

2 Awesome: Protected Tsubaki During Her Fight Against Her Brother

There's nothing about Black Star that screams "patience", so fans were shocked when he withstood the insults and strikes of the people from the Village of Needles after they recognized him as a member of the infamous Star Clan.

He not only protected Tsubaki's body from harm while she and her older brother fought inside the Enchanted Sword, but he also withheld restraint and refused to lash out at the villagers who continued to abuse him even as he sat before them completely defenseless.

1 Let Fans Down: Punched Maka

While Black Star, Maka, and Kid eventually learned Soul Resonance, tensions were still awkward between Maka and Black Star after Maka lost her temper and dealt a punch to Black Star's face during a training session. The punch was nothing special; Black Star barely flinched from it, but at the end of the day, Maka's pride compelled her to offer Black Star some payback.

Without hesitation, Black Star hit Maka so hard that she went flying into the dumpster with a bruised cheek. While his refusal to hold back was actually an acknowledgment of his respect for Maka, he did go pretty overboard with that punch, and fans, along with the other characters who were present, all agreed that Maka's punishment definitely didn't fit the crime.

NEXT: Soul Eater: 10 Medusa Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

Next 10 Smartest Gods In Anime, Ranked

About The Author

Lavell (214 Articles Published)

When he isn't writing for CBR, Lavell is usually playing videogames, catching up on interesting anime, or writing novels. An English major from the University of Virginia and an active member in New York's television scene, he enjoys meeting people who care about telling good, tasteful stories.

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Blackstar What Word Did You Write Soul Eater
